The Guidelines of the “Round Table for the Eco Design of Plastic Packaging”

  • Explain in an introduction the significance of Eco Design in developing modern packaging solutions, the importance of taking a holistic view of packaging and packed goods and the necessity of defining Environmental targets for concrete packaging projects.
  • Describe how choices should be made on how the optimisation of packages is to be verified based on a company’s environmental policy and brand strategies. This allows specific packaging solutions to be found that are suitable for preserving the environment, saving resources and protecting the climate.
  • Demonstrate how Eco Design can be systematically integrated into the management processes of packaging projects during application of the guidelines and how potential conflicts of objectives can be resolved transparently.
  • Contain practical examples that illustrate the suggested approach as well as a toolbox providing a large number of links to helpful tools and additional collections of information.

A number of specific checklists are available as downloads. They provide step-by-step assistance in implementing the management procedures that members of the Round Table have developed and in performing the necessary optimisation checks with regard to the relevant packaging solutions in question.


If you wish to design environmentally friendly plastic packages, the guidelines and the many tools from the “Round Table for Eco Design” will help you do so. You can navigate directly to the subject areas that are relevant to you.

You can download the key guidelines as a PDF document here

(7,6 MB)